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Time saving; 

Unlike traditional classes, research shows that students sign in online classes faster. Students and teachers habitually use delays in preparations and, on occasion, traffic as justifications. The beauty of online learning is that you can simply wake up and go to class without having to deal with the hassle of traveling. This, in turn, saves time and reduces lateness.


Flexibility is of course the key benefit of e-learning. Unlike traditional courses, you don’t have to plan your entire day around your studies; your studies can be planned around other responsibilities.
At the beginning of a course, you’ll be given deadlines for various modules and coursework assignments, and it’s up to you to decide when, where, and for how long you are going to study. You can also study around other commitments like work or family time, giving you freedom to create a work-study balance.


A homely, quiet learning space with comfy sofas, cups of tea and an ample supply of biscuits at your fingertips versus a crowded, stuffy lecture theatre with a desk the size of a cookbook and no light refreshments in sight; there is no competition really, especially when you consider the added stress of actually getting to the latter.

Instant Support & Updates; 

Another of the main advantages of online education is that everything is instantaneous. Tutors are able to quickly create and communicate updates to courses just as easily as students are able to receive and respond to such changes and messages.
Online support is nearly always available at the click of a mouse, either through instant or, probably in most cases, video messaging services, and lectures can be delivered to thousands of students at a time, with none of the squinting or fear of speaking up you get with university lectures.

Distance Learning is Eco-friendly; 

Needless to say, distance learning provides an alternative to paper-based learning and students don’t have to travel to and from lectures, meaning the CO2 emissions are reduced substantially. Energy is also saved on lighting and heating large lecture halls and electronic equipment that might be used in classroom settings.